- Who was it / were they invented by? 它(它们)是由谁发明的?
- Who were they invented by? 它们是被谁发明的?
- Who was the telephone invented by? 电话是谁发明的?
- Who was steam engine invented by ? 蒸汽机是谁发明的?
- Who were these men,and for what were they seeking? 这些人是谁,他们想找什么?
- Who were these men, and for what were they seeking? 这些人是谁,他们想找什么?
- Who was the telephone invented by? It was invented by Dr Bell. 电话机是谁发明的?是贝尔博士发明的。
- Who are they to tamper with the rules of the game? 他们凭什么擅自修改比赛规则?
- It looked as though the Cowperwoods must be favored; but who were they, anyhow? 这显得好象柯帕乌夫妇是必得要邀请的;但是,究竟他们是什么人呢?
- What were they but a bunch of howling, clawing cats who were jealous of her? 难道他们不就是一群妒忌她的嚎叫乱抓的猫吗?
- These are they who were numbered by Moses and Aaron and by the twelve chiefs of Israel, one from every tribe. 这些就是被数点的,是摩西、亚伦,和以色列中十二个首领所数点的;这十二个人各作各宗族的代表。
- Bei: Who are they? So easy for them. 贝:她们都是谁呢?她们这么容易就得到你了。
- Who are they going to play against? 他们将同哪支球队对阵?
- Good.Now Class repeat after me. They were invented by Eidson. 通过同一方法重复不同的发明。当学生明白后,教师接着问。
- Those other players out the field,who are they exactly? 场地里其他那些运动员们都是谁?
- The potato chips were invented by mistake. 由于错误,薯片被发明了。
- Interrogation skills were invented by psychopaths. 侦讯技巧是由变态发明的。
- Yuke Landing Force What a nightmare. Who are they aiming for? 太可怕了。他们到底在瞄准谁?
- Those other players out the field who are they exactly? 场地里其他那些运动员们都是谁?
- A2-CMS of sorghum was invented by Mr.Schertz who was an American sorghum breeder in 1976.It was imported into China in1979. 高粱A2型质核互作雄性不育系是美国高粱育种家舍尔茨教授于1976年创制,1979年引入中国。